Complaints Procedure

How to make a complaint

A complainant may make a complaint to Omnis Law in person, by telephone, or in writing either by letter or email to Mr Maciej Banasik. If a complainant wishes to write to us they may do so at the following address:

Omnis Law Limited
19a Greenway Road
Heald Green

Or alternatively they may either email their complaint to: or they may call us on 0161 282 9634.

In the event that Mr Banasik is himself the subject of a complaint then the complaint will be dealt with by Mr Ian Webb or some other competent person nominated by Mr Webb.

Omnis Law will respond in writing either by email or by letter within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint. In the event of a complaint being by means of letter posted using the mail service, the complaint will be deemed to be received 2 working days after the post mark. The response will specify the name of the individual handling the complaint on behalf of Omnis Law and will enclose a copy of this document.

Omnis Law will within 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint send to the complainant either:

i) A final response or

ii)A response which explains that Omnis Law is still not in a position to make a final response, provide reasons or grounds for the further delay and indicate when Omnis Law expects to be able to provide a final response

In the eventuality of (i) or (ii) Omnis Law will also inform the complainant in writing that the complainant can complain to the Legal Ombudsman, the time frame for doing so and their full contact details.

Who are the Legal Ombudsman?

The Legal Ombudsman deals with all public complaints across the entire legal sector (not just solicitors). The emphasis of the Ombudsman is on speed and informality, with the goal of resolving complaints by agreement rather than a quasi-judicial process. If an agreed resolution is not possible, one of the team of ombudsmen will make a decision. But that decision will not be based on legal precedent or regulation but on a judgement based on what is both fair and reasonable in the circumstances of that case, as per the requirements of the Legal Services Act 2010.

If you wish to contact the legal ombudsman you may do so by following this link: or by calling: 0300 555 0333 (8:30am – 5:30pm Mon – Fri). Alternatively, you may wish to write to them at: The Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806 Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ